
Top Questions To Ask a Realtor When Selling

Selling a home can be unnerving. When choosing a Realtor, you want to make sure your property is in the right hands. Even though you are moving, your home holds plenty of memories and is a physical manifestation of your investment. To help you pick the right Realtor for you, I have put together a list of questions to ask a Realtor when selling. 

Real Estate Credentials & Background Questions to Ask a Realtor When Selling

These questions cover a Realtor’s background. Knowing this can provide insight into their selling history so you can choose a Realtor that has experience with your type of property. 


Where are you licensed to sell real estate?

Ensure your potential Realtor is licensed to sell real estate in your state.

How long have you had your real estate license?

Knowing how long a Realtor has been active speaks to her knowledge of the market. For additional information, you can ask if they are part of any professional organizations.


How many homes have you sold?

This question will help you uncover a Realtor’s history. If a Realtor has been licensed for many years but has only sold a couple of homes, it could be a red flag or something to investigate further.

Do you have information you can share about some of the homes you have sold?

Looking at other homes the Realtor has worked with can help you see what types of real estate they may be most comfortable with.

Do you sell real estate full-time? 

When finding a Realtor to list your home, you want someone that is going to be invested and provide your property with the attention it needs. Realtors who only work part-time may not be as flexible when scheduling viewing appointments. They also may be harder to reach if they have other obligations.

Market Knowledge Questions to Ask a Realtor When Selling

What comps have you seen for my property?

If you have already provided a Realtor with information about your property prior to meeting with them, they should have already identified comparable properties to better understand the potential listing. Not only will this question give you insight into the market, but it will also show you whether your potential Realtor has come prepared.

How quickly are homes selling in my area?

When listing a home, it is unwise to base expectations on general market conditions. A skilled Realtor can help you better understand your specific area so you can get a realistic picture of what the real estate market looks like at a micro-level. For example, condos and homes in the same neighborhood may sell at different rates. Same for homes with or without pools.

What is the average selling price for homes in my area?

Like the previous question, this question gives you an idea of the market condition in your particular neighborhood. Take this number with a grain of salt, though. Just because other homes in your area have sold for a certain amount does not mean that your home will. Once you select a Realtor, she will be better able to give you an estimate of selling price based on the specifics of your home and the comps in the area.

Questions About Listing Practices

What are the steps for getting a home listed?

If this is your first time listing a property, this is one of those questions to ask a Realtor when selling that can simply provide you with an idea of the process itself. Feel free to ask additional questions about the steps and who will be responsible for what. The latter is especially important if you are concerned about how much of your own time you will need to invest in the process.

From what you have seen of our property, what suggestions do you have for getting it ready to list?

Only ask this question if your potential Realtor has seen your property. For example, if you are meeting at your home or if you shared photographs of your home, it can be helpful to hear what kinds of suggestions a potential Realtor has to learn more about what they think matters most for selling your home.
